Tarot Card The Tower

Fear and The Tower

    The past few years have been rough for me, emotionally speaking. My husband and I suffered multiple pregnancy losses, I gave up a teaching career that had become fused with my life to raise our son, and I felt adrift while my postnatal hormones totally wrecked my system. My life lay in shambles. I didn’t know it at the time, but my life was embodying the energy of The Tower...

What questions should I ask my tarot reader?

That’s an excellent question. The best questions for your tarot reader are open ended. I know we’re tempted to ask yes/no questions like, will I find true love? Will I get that new job I applied for? Am I going to win the lottery? I don’t know. What have you been doing to look for true love? How did your interview go? Did you buy a lottery ticket?  Tarot is best used when questions...
Tarot Card Spread

What’s Tarot? And how is this a profession? Seems woo-woo to me…

    I hear you, friend. Let me see if I can clear a few things up. What’s Tarot? Tarot cards are a lot like normal playing cards. Instead of 52, there are 78 (22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana). Tarot started out as a game commissioned in the 15th century by Filippo Maria Visconti, ruler of the Duchy of Milan, probably for his daughter Bianca Maria Visconti’s wedding. Tarot...