It’s about to get all emotional up in here with the eight of cups. Peep this scene- what do you see today?

A figure with the fashion sense to have their kicks match their coat is blowing this pop stand. Their posture looks defeated as they head for the hills in the dead of night. Even the moon looks on as if to say ‘oof’ or ‘bruh’. The river is wide, but rocky, and in the foreground sit eight cups in an arrangement that looks incomplete. The eights in tarot are action, mastery, and movement so where is the figure in the eight of cups off to so late at night? Are they pursuing an opportunity offered in the seven of cups?
- Red outfit: vitality, power, purpose
- River: emotions
- Rocks/Mountains: difficult journey
- Waning crescent moon: letting go
Eight of Cups Upright
This is the ‘there is nothing left for me here’ card . With the eight of cups, you’ve invested a lot of your time and energy into a situation and it is not working out. This could be a job, a relationship, a project, or anything that’s taken a toll on your spirit. It’s time to let it go, and you know it, and it sucks ass. All I can hear is In the End by Linkin Park. You tried so hard, and got so far, but now it’s time to focus your efforts elsewhere. It takes real courage, but once you walk away you can find what makes you happy. There’s a reason the cups in the eight of cups are stacked in a way that makes them seem like one is missing. It’s time to find a place where you feel whole, held, and appreciated. Cut your losses and do some soul searching. Don’t turn around. It’s for the best.

Eight of Cups Reversed
I told you not to turn around, and you did it anyway. You’re giving this situation another chance, but why? Is this what you really want? Are you settling for meh? Maybe you feel trapped or you don’t have the resources to leave. The eight of cups reversed can also mean you’re good at bouncing when a situation gets serious, or when you’re bored, or when it’s not quite perfect. Pro tip: perfect doesn’t exist. But hey, I’m not here to tell you what to do. Only you know what’s best for you, so, should you stay and give it another try? Or are you just running to the next shiny thing? May god guide you in your quest…
Sources and Decks
Tarot for Beginners: A Holistic Guide to using the Tarot for Personal Growth & Self Development by Meg Hayertz
The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings by Brigit Esselmont
Modern Tarot by Michelle Tea
The Easiest Way to Learn Tarot- Ever! By Dusty White
WTF Is Tarot and How do I Do It? by Bakara Wintner
This Might Hurt Tarot by Isabella Rotman
Tarot Mood by Natalie Meraki
Ghetto Tarot by Alice Smeets
Rider Waite Smith Deck
Other sources linked in article