tarot card 3 of wands reversed

Daily Draw: Excitement and Delays

What do I need to know or focus on for today? Today I drew the three of wands reversed. I frequently draw wands when I read for myself, and it came up in my new moon in Virgo reading back in August too, but I know this keeps popping up because of my enthusiasm in starting Veil and Vow Tarot. The card In Pamela Coleman Smith's depiction, we see a person in a mostly red cloak, surrounded by three...
tarot card king of wands reversed

Card Reversals

“Hey, your card is upside down...” my dad mentioned as I snapped the photo for the daily draw. “Actually, I meant to take it that way.” I replied. This led to a discussion on reversed cards and how tarot card meanings can change based on whether its upright or reversed. Some readers don’t read inverted cards because it bumps the number of meanings to memorize from 78 to 156. Others...
tarot cards, two of wands, two of swords, two of coins, two of cups

Aren’t tarot readers all the same?

The short answer is: no. There you have it, article over! If you’re still here, that means you want to know if there’s more to it. There is! Tarot readers are all completely different. Think about being in school- there were teachers you loved, and teachers whose classes you didn’t care for. People are all different no matter what profession you attach to them, and this applies to tarot...
New Moon in Virgo Tarot Spread

Daily Draw: New Moon in Virgo Spread

A little late, but here it is. This is where it all started. This is the new moon in Virgo spread I learned about through Biddy Tarot on August 30th. According to Brigit, the new moon in Virgo was the perfect time to ask the cards about mastery of skills and offering of expertise to others.  I’d been studying the cards non-stop and practising with daily draws on myself and on anyone within my...
Tarot Card The Tower

Fear and The Tower

    The past few years have been rough for me, emotionally speaking. My husband and I suffered multiple pregnancy losses, I gave up a teaching career that had become fused with my life to raise our son, and I felt adrift while my postnatal hormones totally wrecked my system. My life lay in shambles. I didn’t know it at the time, but my life was embodying the energy of The Tower...

What questions should I ask my tarot reader?

That’s an excellent question. The best questions for your tarot reader are open ended. I know we’re tempted to ask yes/no questions like, will I find true love? Will I get that new job I applied for? Am I going to win the lottery? I don’t know. What have you been doing to look for true love? How did your interview go? Did you buy a lottery ticket?  Tarot is best used when questions...
Tarot Card Spread

What’s Tarot? And how is this a profession? Seems woo-woo to me…

    I hear you, friend. Let me see if I can clear a few things up. What’s Tarot? Tarot cards are a lot like normal playing cards. Instead of 52, there are 78 (22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana). Tarot started out as a game commissioned in the 15th century by Filippo Maria Visconti, ruler of the Duchy of Milan, probably for his daughter Bianca Maria Visconti’s wedding. Tarot...